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A Review about Curriculum in Faculty of Letters Udayana University

A Review about Curriculum in Faculty of Letters Udayana University
            Curriculum is very important in education system, it has important role in education so every school and university always have curriculum. In education system curriculum is the set of courses, course work, and content offered at a school or university. Like in the other university Faculty of Letters Udayana University also has curriculum in their education system.
            Udayana has a good curriculum to support their education, they has some planning to accept and teach their students. Udayana only accept 40 students with a good selection, they only accept the students who has a good quality. The reason why they done that, because by accept only a small number of  student will make the teaching system more effective.

            The curriculum of Letters Faculty Udayana on the beginning term is focus on the students’ skill. In the 5th until 7th  term they divided the 40 students into 5 class, in every class only 8 students. This curriculum is very good to produce students with a good quality because beside it is very effective, the lecturer can focus and easy to teach. The students also will satisfied and easy to understand the material, of course their ability also increase.
            In Udayana there are also credit semester system like in the other university. There are 163 credit semester system before that divided into explanation below :
MTH ( Micro Teaching )      14 Credit Semester System
Science                                 14 Credit Semester System
The work expertise              45  Credit Semester System
The work behavior               45 Credit Semester System
Social                                                 45 Credit Semester System
But now there are only 146 Credit Semester System.
That curriculum has done in Faculty of Letters Udayana to improve the quality of their students every years. Beside the teaching system in university, Udayana also give their students chant to practice their science that have they get outside the university for example they send their student to work in some instance to practice their science, so after they finish their study they are ready to work.

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