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What causes the Cultural Diversity in the United States?

We are all aware that American culture is, in fact, United States is a big country. In the modern era, many people do not know what exactly is a native in USA. We are all aware that American culture is, in fact, a combination of the contributions of all of those who have settled within its borders.
A lot of Immigrants came to USA and mingle with the locals. They built a new civilization there and the immigrants also have brought with them the traditions of their native lands. More recently, a blend of English  and Spanish known as Spanglish, producing expressions like ir al movies (to go to the movies), has developed , particularly in Texas, California, and south Florida, which have a high concentration of Latino resident.And what is about the food? Foods ranging from black beans and rice in a Cuban restaurant to frozen burritos, tropical papayas and jalapeno peppers on supermarket shelves are evidence of the Latin influence in the American diet. 

 It also happened to music in the USA. American music, too, has become more diverse as a result of the Latino. for example, The dance of salsa. Salsa is not the Spanish word for sauce, but It is a beautiful dance. Salsa is a popular form of social dance that originated in New York with strong influences from Latin America, particularly Cuba and Puerto Rico. The salsa beat has had a startling effect on popular music, just as the rhythms of the tango and the cha-cha-cha have become a part of the repertoire of dance bands throughout the country. Instrument, such as the congas and the timbale, also have their origins in Latin countries. Mariachi bands, Brazilian jazz, and the new Miami Sound are further examples of the strong influence of Hispanic musical traditions on America culture.
Learning from the USA, however, Indonesia has a lot of culture, so we must not lose our original culture. Indonesian people should be proud of and preserve the culture of Indonesia.

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