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Learning The Culture is not only all that could be seen (Culture has the seen and the unseen Side)

Learning The Culture is not only all that could be seen (Culture has the seen and the unseen Side)
Have you ever watched a tree? When I observed a banyan tree. The banyan tree is very old, perhaps he was hundreds of years.
Banyan tree is a tree whose shade and strong. The branches and trunk of this tree is very large and heavy. Life on the ground is very beautiful. But you know, that there is life under the tree?

Yup, of course there are the roots that sustain the life of the tree. Because this is old banyan tree, then the root is very long and strong.
Well, so does the culture. Consider the following illustration of a “culture tree”. Underneath the ground, every tree has a root system. These roots are unseen. In a similar way, every culture has an invisible level. What you see, hear, taste, and smell of a culture is not all there is to that culture. The visible is given shape and life by some invisible power. This power – a culture’s root system – is its core values.
The first characteristic of values mentioned above is that values are found at the covert level of culture. At the surface of overt level, a tree has a trunk, branches, and leaves. Applying this analogy to culture, the “leaves” of a culture are what we see,hear,taste,smell. They are the WHAT of culture. These are the things tourists takes pictures of. Members of any culture are aware of and display in their lives these visible elements of their culture.
Core values are the WHY of culture. They answer questions such as why do people dress in a certain way? Why do women give birth in a certain why? Why any particular custom? Why are houses built in this way? Why a particular type of government of education? Why? Why? WHY?

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