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The Term Definition in Warping Process

As a woman, I also like to sew, now I want to tell you about terms in the sewing area.
Here some terms that I know
Warping is normally from bobbins,on a warping beam, comprises winding parts of the warp yarns,  whereby sequential parts are wound next to each other until the full weaving width is covered. The warping beam is then normally in a next step of warp preparation used for beaming

Beaming is comprises winding the full width of the warp yarns in a single winding operation on the weaving beam. The warp yarns can be wound from a creel or a warping beam.
Weaving beam is the beam which is to be placed on the loom.

And then, we know the Leasing term, What is Leasing? Leasing is comprises inserting lease cords between the warp yarns to separate groups of warp yarns.

The most important thing is the tread, the thread is an assembly of yarns or filaments, usually produced by twisting

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