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Kartika Ayu, Soekarwo's Beauty daughter

Kartika AyuSoekarwo's Beauty daughter 

After the scene with beauty Nadine Kaiser, biological daughter Susi Pudjiastuti Minister, now comes the daughter of an official figure is Kartika Ayu Prawitasari.

As the name implies Kartika Ayu, looks beautiful faces adorn the biological daughter of the Governor of East Java, Soekarwo. This pretty white girl first seen by the public when participating voting at the polling station with his family when the 2014 presidential election in July. She looked stunning wearing a brown batik uniforms with family with blond hair left loose.

Lately, Kartika Ayu a warm conversation in the realm of social media. And, not least that compare with beauty beauty Nadine Kaiser.
These are some photos of Kartika Ayu Prawitasari :

Biography of Kartika AyuSoekarwo's Beauty daughter 
Biography of Kartika AyuSoekarwo's Beauty daughter 
Biography of Kartika AyuSoekarwo's Beauty daughter 
Biography of Kartika AyuSoekarwo's Beauty daughter 

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