Dussel technique is the technique of drawing by brushing so that the impression of dark-light or thick-thin. Tools that can be used, among other pencils, crayons, and Konte.
This drawing techniques using cotton or special tools aid in the form of rolls of paper (looks like a pencil), and even the fingers we too can be used to draw this one technique. In this technique stroke / line will be removed or smoothed by means rubbed (dusel). The most suitable for this drawing technique is to use a soft pencil type (2B upward) or Konte and crayons. Note the picture below!
This is the flower picture using dussel Technique
if you often read traditional comics, surely you often see pictures with dusel techniques, for example like this:
To further strengthen the difference of these fields, the value of the face and neck are made of different (darker shading on the neck).

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